Can You Reuse Keratin Tip Hair Extensions?

If you want to try fusions, then surely you want to know everything about this hair extension technique: from how the installation is done to whether can you reuse your keratin tip hair extensions.

Why is this so important? Re-tipping will save you money, as you can use the same hair several times.

Read our article about all the nuances of this beauty procedure.

Can Keratin Tip Extensions Be Reused?

To make a long story short – yes, you can reuse the same extensions for keratin tip hair extensions.

However, you should consider that every rule has its exceptions. That is, not all hair is suitable for re-tipping.

The best option is to make extensions using expensive hair of premium quality.

This category includes:

  • Virgin Slavic hair – soft thin undyed curls that look great on clients with similar hair structures. Also, customers with natural, undyed hair will love such bundles.
  • Russian dyed hair has a denser texture. They come in different structures and shades (they are perfectly colorable), and are also suitable for most clients.

Why opt for Slavic and Russian hair?

This raw material undergoes gentle processing, excluding the use of harsh reagents.

It preserves the curls in their original condition, allowing the use of the strands for a long time: from 9 to 12 months, provided that the extensions are maintained properly and reapplication procedures are made regularly.

What we do not recommend: all kinds of Asian hair: Indian, Chinese, etc.

In contrast to Slavic and dyed Russian hair, these locks undergo aggressive treatment. As a result, the hair cuticles are badly damaged. To hide the damage, the strands are covered with silicone that lasts until the first wash, after which hair becomes dry and tangled.

You not only don’t want to re-tip the strands, but you’ll also try to remove them as quickly as possible: the comfortable wearing of such a hairstyle is impossible!

Even high-quality hair is not always suitable for re-tipping.

This can happen if you don’t follow the recommendations for proper maintenance at home regarding washing, drying, combing, styling, etc. You can get these recommendations from your hair tech.

How to understand that it is time for a reapplication procedure?

  • The strands in the keratin bonds fixation zone became tangled, up to the appearance of the knots.
  • The locks have grown down by approximately 3-5 cm.
  • Keratin tips are sliding down. This can happen if you use oils in the tip fixation area. It can also be caused by heavy heating: too warm air from a hairdryer or the use of a curling iron at the area of keratin bonds attachment.

How Many Times Can You Reuse Keratin Tip Extensions?

The number of reapplications depends on:

  1. Type of natural hair

Thin hair requires reapplication procedures more often because wearing the hair extensions for too long can stress your natural hair, so the more frequently you re-adjust the extensions, the kinder it is on your natural hair.

  1. Extension technique

For example, keratin tip hair extensions can be reused once every 2.5-3 months.

If you use Slavic or dyed hair that can last you up to a year, one such bundle will serve you for 3-4 reapplication procedures.

  1. Rate of hair growth

The faster your hair grows, the more often you have to do reapplication procedures.

  1. Features of aftercare

If you have followed all the recommendations of the hair stylist, as we have already mentioned above, you can reuse k-tips 3-4 times.

In case the care was not good enough, the extended strands will serve much less.

  1. Personal preference

Each reapplication of keratin bonds means a reduction in the length of the extended strands. This is because the hair tech cuts off a small part of the hair that was near the bond.

Also during the re-tipping procedure, a combing is performed, it is required to remove the most damaged hair. And this decreases the volume of the hairstyle.

If the final result is appropriate for you, you can use the same hair bundle. Well, if you need a certain length and volume, then the bundle will have to be replaced earlier than the end of its service life.

Where to Buy High-Quality Keratin Tip Hair Extensions?

Among all the hair suppliers for keratin tip hair extensions, we especially recommend I Love Slavic Hair.

Here you will find a great selection of Slavic and Russian hair.

  • The brand is a direct supplier, so you get original products at the best price.
  • Delicate processing of raw materials according to European standards – you will be able to wear your hair extensions for as long as possible! After being cut off the hair is disinfected. It is manually processed and laid in the same root-tip direction.
  • The locks are carefully combed out, so you can not worry that your hairstyle will become less voluminous.
  • Large selection of different colors of Russian hair (more than 24 shades), as well as Slavic hair with the unique color of each bundle;
  • All products are ready for extension procedure in your chosen technique;
  • Fast delivery in the USA, Canada, and worldwide;
  • Always ready to consult and advise what suits you best.

Choose I Love Slavic Hair and the locks will serve you as long as possible!