How Delta 8 Can Impact Your Body?

Delta-8 or delta-octanol is a type of alcohol found in fats. It can be produced by the body from fatty acids, but it also has some benefits when consumed in small amounts. Research has found that the intake of delta-8 might help with controlling weight, decreasing bad cholesterol, and increasing good HDL cholesterol. Let’s take a closer look at how delta 8 can impact your body.

How much delta-8 is needed for optimal health?

The amount of delta-8 needed for optimal health is not yet known. However, some scientists believe that it should be eaten in moderation. Moreover, high amounts of delta-8 might harm a person’s health. Some people might have to be careful with high intakes of delta-8 if they take certain medications. This is because delta-8 might have a negative interaction with some medicines. For example, the intake of delta-8 might decrease the effectiveness of the medication warfarin. It can also decrease the effectiveness of medications that treat high blood pressure.

Decreasing bad cholesterol and increase good HDL cholesterol

Using delta-8 to decrease bad cholesterol and increase good HDL cholesterol can be extremely beneficial. This is because high levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides can be a sign of diabetes. And low levels of HDL cholesterol can be a sign of heart disease. High cholesterol levels are one of the leading causes of death across the world. 

If a person can lower their cholesterol levels by consuming delta-8, then they might be able to reduce their risk of heart disease and death. Delta-8 might affect both LDL and HDL cholesterol levels. It might also affect triglycerides. And there’s research suggesting that delta-8 might decrease the amount of LDL cholesterol in the blood. That said, more research is needed to confirm these effects.

Helping with weight loss

Studies have found that delta-8 might help with weight loss. But these studies used large amounts of delta-8 that are not recommended to be taken daily. For example, one study used around 3 grams of delta-8 per day. And another study used around 10 grams of delta-8 per day. Delta-8 might help with weight loss in several different ways. One way is by decreasing cravings. 

A small study found that delta-8 decreases cravings for food. And another study found that delta-8 might inhibit the digestive process. So consuming delta-8 can have the opposite effect of eating fatty foods. In addition to these benefits, delta-8 might also help with weight loss by increasing the metabolism. More research is needed to confirm this, but elevated metabolism is linked to weight loss.


Overall, delta-8 can impact your body in many ways. It can help with controlling weight, decreasing bad cholesterol, and increasing good HDL cholesterol. It has also been shown to help with weight loss. However, we don’t know how much delta-8 is needed for optimal health. Moreover, it is important to note that delta-8 is not a magic cure. You still need to eat a healthy diet and exercise