Taking a packed lunch each day to work can be one of the fastest ways to save tons of cash if you’re used to eating out most days. Think about how much a meal costs, even if it’s a lunch special, each day. Say you’re spending between $20-30 each day, even if you do this only a few times a week it adds up to a lot over the course of a month. I’m sure you can think of a number of other places you’d prefer to spend this money, such as an overseas trip or upgrading your car. If you’d like to enjoy your home-made lunches a little more, try these 4 simple hacks:
Get Some Great Containers
There are certain types of containers that make it easier to prepare great lunches. For me personally I find a Bento style box works well as it has a variety of different compartments that serve as ‘prompts’ for me to add a variety of different things. Having a good quality container that doesn’t absorb flavors and is Biodegradable is really important to me. If it’s important to you too, why not check out https://hempak.com/ and their options of hemp based containers.
Include Some Protein
Protein is what’s going to make sure you’re full for longer. You want to include some kind of protein every meal. Things such as cheese, chicken, meat, or fish are great types of protein that will help make you feel full. Whether it’s some slices of shaved ham in a sandwich, or some chicken leftovers, making sure there’s some protein will help ensure that your lunch is satisfying.
Intentionally Make and Take Leftovers
I personally love leftovers for lunch because I like something that I can enjoy as a ‘hot meal’ for lunch. There are plenty of foods that work well for leftovers, but I find meals that include pasta or lots of vegetables work really well. You can even increase the size of the meals you make for dinner to be sure to have enough left over to take.
Don’t Forget Fruit
Fruit is such a great snack to take to work and the natural fruit sugars are the perfect way to help combat the mid afternoon energy slump. Try to buy a variety of fruit and stick to in season fruit if you’d like to save money on fruit. I tend to aim to take two servings of fruit, one to have as a dessert after my lunch and one for a snack when I find myself struggling to focus on my work.
Work lunches don’t have to be boring or too time consuming. With these tips, I’m sure you can start taking lunch to work that you almost prefer over bought lunches and I’m sure you’ll enjoy all the added money saving benefits.