4 Tips for Getting Started With Laser Cutting

Whether you’re an expert in laser cutting, or looking at it as an option for a new side hustle to bring some extra income in, many of us can learn how to improve our laser cutting to be more precise and to reduce wastage. Consider using masking to help prevent staining on the edging of whatever you’re cutting. You can use layers to control the order of the laser cutting and to help ensure that everything is cut exactly how you’d like it. Pay close attention to the materials you want to cut on, because it will change how you approach it. And finally, you can defocus the laser to create thicker lines. Keep reading if you’d like to learn more about my top 4 tips for getting started with laser cutting.

1. Use Masking
One of the hacks when using a laser marking stainless steel machine is using plain old masking tape to help ensure that your cutting stays clean. You can apply it right over the area you’re going to cut –  but be warned you may have to adjust the laser strength a little to compensate for this extra layer. It’s the easiest way to protect the material around the cut from the smoke. Once you’re finished engraving, you can just peel the masking tape off. There are certain materials, like leather, where this will make more of a difference to the finished look and be worth the extra effort.

2. Add in Layers
Making layers in your file means that you can print only certain parts of a design at a time. There are a few obvious benefits to this, such as controlling the order of cuts. It also helps keep things organized, because rather than having multiple files to contend with, you can instead use multiple layers within the same file to organize things. This also allows you to create guides in a specific layer and you can turn off printing in that layer, making it easy to keep tabs on everything. If you’re looking for some precise tools, check out this Atlantic scale.

3. Analyze the Materials Properly
Taking a good look at the materials you’re working with before getting started is hugely important. This will impact how you engrave and what the overall quality of the work will be. Not all materials are created equal, and for this reason, it may make sense to shop around. One of the most challenging things to engrave is a wood material with a thin veneer of nice wood on top. Often the engraving will pierce through the thin veneer, revealing the lower-quality material below. Make sure the stuff below the veneer is attractive and that you cut deep enough to evenly expose the material beneath so it looks even.

4. Defocus the Laser
You can manipulate the laser focus to achieve different thicknesses in the laser cut. If you use the vector setting on your laser, you’ll get very thin lines which can be great for some precise designs. However, for others it will be too thin. To combat that, what you can do is gently move the material away from the laser and it will lose focus and the line will become thicker. The line will be a little softer, but this might be the look you’re going for.

Laser cutting can be a really fun way to make a little extra income each month. Why not check out motor vehicle surety bond as a great way to invest your new found extra cash.