Brake Pads and Rotors You Need For a 2013 Honda Accord

Maintain your Honda Accord with essential replacement parts, like 2013 Honda Accord brake pads. Review the best parts for your brake system and the signs you need to replace these components to stay safe behind the wheel.

What Are the Best Brake Pads?

The first step in finding the best brake pads for your vehicle is to find the correct size. Brakes aren’t universal, so use the genuine part number from your 2013 Accord for a safe replacement project. The easiest way to find this number is to head to a local auto parts store or shop online using a free VIN lookup tool.

Once you find the right size, it’s time to compare materials. Your chosen material is the most important factor in brake replacement cost. Most pads fall under one of these categories:

  • Semi-metallic
  • Ceramic
  • Organic

Semi-metallic offer excellent braking performance and durability. They produce a lot of dust and more noise than other pads, but perform well in cold conditions or hard braking situations. Choose this style if you need all-weather, firm performance.

Ceramic brakes are quality brakes if you’re looking for a comfortable driving experience. Low levels of dust and noise offer a consistent, convenient way to slow down and stop your Accord. They typically cost more than semi-metallic options and don’t perform as well in aggressive braking situations.

The most affordable brake pads are organic. These pads are made of a blend of materials and are often called non-asbestos organic, or NAO, pads, because some organic pads used to include asbestos. These give off the most dust and have the shortest lifetime, so monitor your brake pads carefully for signs of wear.

What Rotors Do You Need?

While there aren’t as many rotor options as there are brake pads, these components still come in different sizes. Choose Honda Accord brake pads and rotors that match the genuine part number of your 2013 ride for proper installation and a convenient DIY replacement task. Use customer reviews, warranty lengths and prices to determine the best rotors to complete your DIY replacement task.

How Do You Know It’s Time To Replace Your Brakes?

Your brake system has a number of high-wear components, so it’s important to keep track of them and create a replacement schedule. Most drivers need to swap out brake pads after 25,000 to 70,000 miles. This wide range is caused by the differences in brake materials and driving styles.

Do you like to brake hard and accelerate quickly through traffic signals and sharp turns? Riding your brakes causes excessive wear and heat, reducing their efficiency. Gradual stops extend their lifetime, but you still can’t expect them to last forever. Watch for these signs that it’s time for a replacement:

  • Pads that are thinner than 4 millimeters
  • Squealing or grinding when you brake
  • Slow braking performance
  • Stuttering or vibrating when you stop

Where Can You Find Replacement Brake Parts?

Don’t wait until your brakes aren’t working anymore to replace these key components. Stop by your trusted auto parts store or head to a reliable online store for convenient brake pad and rotor shopping.

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