Terriers were bred initially to hunt mice, rodents, and other vermin. Some are used for tracking rabbits, foxes, and larger games in the wild. Many of them go to the ground, which means that they would dig down a lot of soil and crawl into underground tunnels and dens because of their prey. Read more about terriers on this site here.
Generally, they are outgoing, adaptable, and playful. They love to be the center of attention and to be in the middle of things. An active home is more suited to them, and this is where they can thrive. They may be small in stature, but they need plenty of attention and exercise to prevent them from doing destructive behaviors like escaping, chewing, barking, and digging.
Because of their original purpose of driving out vermin from cairns or stone structures, these terriers have a high drive for prey. They have an instinct to kill or chase feathery creatures, so it’s best if you’re training them for recalls while they are still young.
Every canine needs to be treated as an individual. Some are tenacious, brave, and feisty initially, but they should learn how to be social with other dogs and be more tolerant of babies or toddlers. Specific training may work with some, and appropriate socialization is crucial.
- Cairn Terrier
This is the breed that appeared in the movie “The Wizard of Oz,” which is a film in 1939. The Cairn had originated in the Scottish Highlands about 200 years ago. The cairn terrier temperament includes being fierce, hardy, and tenacious when it comes to hunting rats, foxes, and other furry creatures out of cairns. These piles of rocks that are popular in Scotland are where they have derived their name. They make excellent family pets and may require moderate exercising and weekly brushing.
- Irish
Irish terriers have intense expressions and fiery red coats. They are sturdy and medium-sized, and as their name suggests, they came from Ireland. They were considered a jack of all trades in their home country as they are devoted to guarding the farms, hunting down rats, and being a loyal family companion. They have boundless energy and need consistent training. They also need to run and play in backyards because they are very active.
- Jack Russell
Jack Russell breeds were developed in England in the 1800s. It’s named after a vicar called John “Jack” Russell, who has started the breed. The vicar created two kinds where the longer-legged ones are called Parson Russell, and the ones with slightly small legs are named Jack Russell. Both of them do an excellent job in hunting vermin, rabbits, and foxes. They are intense, and they need frequent mental stimulation, play, exercise, and training.
- Kerry Blue
The Kerry Blue is a working canine that came from the mountains of Ireland. They originated from the Country Kerry about a hundred years ago, and they have various talents like retrieving and herding livestock. Other skills may include hunting and guarding.
These puppies were born black, and the color changes as soon as they mature. The coats will gradually fade into a sort of a blue-gray color that makes them distinctive from other breeds. The colors of the adults will vary from light bluish-gray or deep slate blue. These are not shedders, but they may require professional grooming once in a while.
- Miniature Schnauzer
This is a bred-down variety of the Standard Schnauzer, which is larger in nature. Both breeds with their cousins have originated in Germany, acting as indispensable guardians of farms. They are hardworking farm canines, and they catch vermin as well.
The schnauzers are playful and spirited, and they usually need some activities to do daily. Their coats are wiry, where they sport trademarked beards, eyebrows, and mustaches. They need professional grooming once every few months. Check out an article about schnauzers here: https://www.britannica.com/animal/schnauzer.
- Norwich
Norwich terriers have originated in England, and they hunted foxes. They generally go out in large packs, and they accompany hunters in their adventures in the wild. The Norwich terrier is one of the smallest breeds, but they are very brave, and they consider themselves big on affection.
They closely resemble the Norfolk terriers, where the distinct characteristics of the two include the Norwich having upright ears. The Norfolk has folded ears and may have different colors.
- Scottish
Scottish terriers are valuable because of their skills in badger and fox hunting. They have done this work for a hundred years in the Scottish Highlands, where they also earned their keep by killing vermin and rats on many farms.
The Scottish have a short leg, but their bodies have substantial weight and are longer. Although many people are familiar with the Scottish Terrier colored black, this breed can come with brindle and wheaten that’s tan or with tiger stripes. Nowadays, pet lovers may gladly know that their Scottish terriers can help dispose of mice and rats inside their properties. These are the canines that are bold and scrappy, so they don’t get along much with other breeds.
- West Highland White
Short-legged and miniature terriers claim Scotland as the country where they originated. However, of all the other breeds, the West Highland White Terrier is just pure white. Its story went when a Scottish colonel decided to develop an all-white breed after losing his red-colored terrier during the hunting season. It was said that the dog was shot because its appearance is similar to the foxes that they are chasing. These West Highlands are full of personality, and they are beautiful in appearance.