The first step of entering an alcohol detox center

Any person trying to overcome alcohol addiction is probably curious about what steps are involved when a person enters an alcoholic detox center.

While it can be scary to try to overcome a serious alcohol dependency, going to a reputable treatment center is undoubtedly the best way to do it.

So, what is the first step of entering an alcohol detox center? You will come to the right place to find out. Let’s break down the first step, and the steps that come after when an individual checks into an inpatient treatment center. If you or a loved one is suffering from alcohol addiction, consider getting Inpatient alcohol rehab.

Hopefully, once you have completed this breakdown, you will have a better idea of what must come next.

Step 1. The Precontemplation step

The first step of entering a treatment center is simply known as the pre-contemplation step. This is characterized by justification for one’s addiction and defensiveness. This can be a difficult stage to overcome, but it is crucial to actually enter a detox center.

Step 2. The contemplation step

This is when the person dealing with an addiction is finally ready to bring about change. While they have not yet entered a detox center, they are starting to come to terms with the pros of becoming alcohol or drug-free. However, being in the contemplation step can take a long time to get out of if the person dealing with the addiction is not given the right guidance. However, it is far more possible to guide them to the next phase in a meaningful way.

Step 3. The preparation step

This step can be characterized by when the individual is building a sense of real urgency and desire for their own sobriety. With that being said, it is important to recognize that some individuals are likely to jump back from the preparation step to the contemplation or even the pre-contemplation step. It is important to be patient and supportive during this time.

Step 4. The action step

Finally, the individual takes action and checks themselves into an alcohol or drug detox center to regain their sobriety and learn about ways to maintain their sobriety once they’re out of the inpatient treatment center. While this is certainly the most important step up till this point, it is not nearly as important as the step that comes after an individual checks themselves out of an inpatient facility and attempts to regain a normal lifestyle outside of the treatment center.

Step 5. The maintenance step

This is certainly the most important step of any substance abuse patient’s road to full recovery. No matter how hard they worked before or during their time at the inpatient detox center, it will not mean much if they are unable to maintain their sobriety and stay away from the substances that they were addicted to in their normal life. It is quite common for individuals to suffer relapses, and to regain their sobriety they will have to go through the entire process all over again. For those addictive substances, sobriety is a daily battle that they must win. Luckily, there are passionate professionals all over the world who are dedicated to helping them do so.


When it comes to getting over alcohol abuse and substance abuse of any kind, it can be incredibly difficult for people to take that very first step to get sober and stay sober. However, the first step is always the most important. The desire to really make this big of a positive change in anyone’s life has to come from within.

However, when that decision is made, and when people truly want to get sober, countless highly trained professionals are ready to help from an emotional, mental and physical standpoint.

Hopefully, this quick breakdown has helped you to better understand what the very first step of going to an inpatient substance abuse program is, and how a person dealing with abuse issues can make it. From there, all that is left is to harness the incredible dedication and persistence it takes to know that a sober and a healthier lifestyle is always better than a lifestyle that is contingent on substances like drugs and alcohol.

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