Whenever you are looking for advertisement mediums, roll-up or retractable banners are always taking the front seats. You will pay for the stand only once and then will change the main advertisement banner from time to time as per the promotion. Now, changing the old roll up banner with a new one is not that difficult, especially if you are aware of the simple steps to follow. So, without wasting your precious time any further, it is time to focus on the steps to help you change the current banners with new ones.
The initial points to address:
Even before you start changing the panel for the roller-up banner on your own, it will be a lot easier to ask someone to help you out. Moreover, you have to be sure that the area has been cleaned so that you can work on a long table with the new banner, with ease.
To work with the new banner, you will need the stand of your existing roller banner, the printed replacement panel, and an Allen key for holding the spring. You can get this Allen key from the supplier once you have ordered the new replacement panel from their sides.
Now the steps to follow:
Be sure to keep a close watch on the steps to replace old roll-up banners with a new one. The steps are rate simple to follow, so let’s start.
- At first, you need to pull the correct panel out of the base of the roller banner. Make sure to keep pulling it until you get to see the white leader sheet, which is where the panel is stuck to.
- When the panel is completely extended, it is time to put the Allen key into a small hole located on the sides of the stand. It will be on the right side of the stand is close to you, and the panel is extending away.
- Be sure that this key is inserted completely into the hole. So, it is vital to allow the panel to just roll back small way to just align the mechanism with the hole. When you have the key inserted, it will lock the spring and stop the panel from rolling back.
- Now, remove the existing panel. It is attached to the leader sheet with double-sided tape. Just peel the panel from the leader sheet and ensure to not tear the leader sheet.
- Now, work your way out to remove the header bar from the current panel. Then, you have to attach that same header bar to the replacement panel using simple steps.
- For the last few steps, you need to attach a new panel to the base of the roller banner. Remote your Allen key and you can easily start using the new banner.
In case the steps are too hard or mechanical for you to follow, just get along with the experts to help you with the same. They will follow the same process but have years of experience to complete it perfectly, every time.