Regardless of your chosen business sector, your organization needs to be efficient and effective and with managed IT services, you can streamline your business processes, making your business more efficient. As you would expect, there are quite a few IT services that a business might use and here is a brief outline of available IT services for you to consider.
- Cloud Solutions – Why not migrate all business data to the cloud? The benefits of doing so are indeed many; all authorized personnel have access to the cloud, regardless of where they might be. If a salesperson forgot to take a customer file when paying them a visit, they can access the data using their smartphone, while your accountant no longer needs to visit your office to do your tax returns, as they can access the required data via your secure cloud network. You no longer need to store business data on your office computers and can access any data using any device.
- VoIP Communication – Real-time video calls take your business communication to the next level and what’s more, you’ll save a lot of money when you switch from cell-phone carriers to VoIP solutions. That would be a considerable saving for most businesses; money that can be used in other areas of the business and we could all do with saving our running costs. Once you have a secure cloud network in place, you can use this for all your business communication and with headsets and a few wireless routers, all your office staff have the freedom to communicate in a wireless environment. This boosts your productivity, as staff members can make a call at any time and from your central dashboard, you can monitor and manage all incoming and outgoing calls, which are recorded.
- State of the Art Cyber-Security– Every single business needs to have adequate online security and the best way to do this is call in a managed IT services provider such as IT Authorities, a leading Tampa-based company that offers a range of IT services to enhance your business. How can you be absolutely sure that your data is hack-proof? Ask a managed IT services provider to carry out preventative testing, using ethical hackers who do their best to penetrate your network and should they be successful, a special patch can be installed to close the door to any would-be cyber attacker.
- Free IT Consultation– You can have an informal Zoom video call with the IT specialists, during which the experts can identify ways that they can help your business to develop and become more efficient. It might be that after some dialogue, there isn’t much that they can do to improve things and you can use the hardware support service to keep your IT equipment running as it should. Here are a few tips on how to find the best bookkeeping service.
The risk of cyber-theft is very real here in the US and should a hacker attempt to steal your data, your IT support partner can actually trace the origin of the hacking attempt and you could sue the perpetrator.