Know Your PDF: The Key Features Of PDFBear That You Need To Know

Are you having difficulty finding a perfect PDF tool to assist you with your PDF needs? If yes, then you’re in the right place. When it comes to your PDF files, PDFBear is the best website to organize them. Here are some of the best key features that you will love using in PDFBear, a PDF tool that offers a wide variety of features.

Split PDF

Using PDFBear’s Split PDF features is one of the best tools you can use to separate your PDF files. If you’re not familiar with this feature yet or if you’re still new to PDFBear, it’s pretty easy to use. Just pick a specific PDF file, and then select which pages you want to split. In only a few minutes, your split pdf file is ready for download.

You can actually find a lot of PDF file splitter tools online; unfortunately, they don’t have the same quality that PDFBear has. If you want to make sure all of your essential information is safe from outside threats, you should be using PDFBear to do all your PDF needs. In PDFBear, all of your information will be deleted not longer than one hour for security purposes.

Merge PDF

If you understand how PDFBear’s Split PDF works, then you will also quickly understand Merge PDF. Merge PDF is basically the reverse process of the Split PDF. This means you can combine specific PDF pages or files to a particular PDF file that you chose. Then choose the file that you want to merge, and in just minutes, you’re all good.

PDFBear’s Merge PDF feature is quick and easy. You’ll also be able to choose where to save your merged PDF files. It can be to a disc, Google Drive, or you can also use Dropbox. Right now, Merge PDF of PDFBear is one of the fastest and the most reliable merging tools for any type of PDF file. The interface is also very straightforward, which offers easier navigation.

Delete Pages

If you need to precisely remove or delete pages from your PDF file, then the best tool for that is PDFBear’s Delete Pages feature. As uncomplicated as it sounds, you can just drag and drop the particular file of your choice to PDFBear’s Delete Pages Box. Then select the specific pages you want to remove from your PDF file and click “apply changes.”

There’s a lot of reason why you need to choose PDFBear’s Delete Pages feature from the other PDF tools on the internet right now. One of those reasons is that PDFBear is compatible with any operating system such as Linux, Windows, and Mac. This means when using PDFBear, you will encounter less compatibility problems when using its features.

Compress PDF

Compress PDF, with this feature of PDFBear, you can minimize or reduce any PDF file size that you have right now for you to upload and send your file to your recipient. It’s actually effortless to use; just go first to PDFBear, and select Compress PDF, in there you can select which PDF file you want to compress. Compress PDF will automatically compress your file.

PDFBear’s Compress PDF feature can reduce any PDF file you have without compromising your PDF file’s quality. All of these things are free. You won’t usually see any other PDF compressor tool on the internet right now that offers the same feature for free.

Another great thing about PDFBear’s Compress PDF is that it can handle PDF files up to 1GB and reduce or minimize it by up to 70%. Which is a very extraordinary feature to have if you compare it to its competitors. Besides that, you don’t need to worry about uploading a huge size PDF file to the system since PDFBear will remove all your information within an hour.

PDFBear is very handy to use 

Trying to find the right PDF tool to assist you in your PDF needs is actually quite tricky. Especially if you don’t know what tool to use since there are thousands of PDF tools that are available online. But that’s not a problem; em anymore since you have PDFBear to assist you anytime and anywhere for free, just visit to use its features.


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